get involved

Sign the IUPAT Activist Pledge

As Union Members, we look out on our industry and see anti-union anti-worker forces making inroads into our communities, into my industry, and it is leading towards an era of wage stagnation, diminishing worker protections, growing income inequality.

The work of the convention is only talk unless we act unless we stand up and speak in one loud, unified voice.

We are union, and we can beat back anti-worker anti-union attacks. With our collective voices, we can drive the conversation; we can expand work opportunities, skills training, and win back market share.


I want to be a part of the fight against anti-worker anti-union forces. Therefore, I pledge to help my union to mobilize 20,000 activists annually, expand our skills training, engaging in large organizing campaigns, and fight for issues that directly affect me and my work opportunities.

As a proud member of the IUPAT, I pledge to help my union, by doing my part to help mobilize, organize, and train so that the IUPAT is the strongest union in my community, my state, and my country.

Attend a Local Union Meeting

We are only as strong as our least active member – It’s on all of us to become active, engaged members in order to raise everyone up. Your next paycheck, our next contract, and our union’s existence in the market depends on an active, educated workforce.

Educational Outreach

The IUPAT offers exciting opportunities to anyone willing to put in the time and effort to learn the skills to succeed in the painting and finishing trades. With the IUPAT, you can punch your ticket to the middle class.


While many employers are only looking out for their bottom line, the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades is looking out for you! We make sure all our members receive fair pay and proper training and that they work on safe job sites.

Retirement Security

It is never too early to start thinking about your future. The Painters and Allied Trades Industry Pension Fund is here for you. We have the resources and experience to protect your family’s future. 401(k) plans can be risky, but with an IUPAT pension, once vested, you are guaranteed monthly income in retirement.


American infrastructure is crumbling. The IUPAT is dedicated to modernizing and repairing our roads, bridges, buildings, airports, water systems and the energy grid, all while providing good, high-paying union jobs to get the job done. We provide cutting edge skills and training to ensure our projects meet 21st century standards and beyond.

Community Investment

The IUPAT is dedicated to building stronger communities for our members, families and neighbors. We donate thousands of hours and millions of dollars to charities and organizations in need like the Boys and Girls Club, city beautification projects, and important social and civic causes.

Justice for All Workers

The IUPAT stands with all workers, no matter where they’re from, in fighting for fair pay, safe work sites and proper job training. Immigrant rights are workers rights. It is that simple.

Workplace Training, Education and Safety

Worker safety is priority number one at the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades. We offer all of our members continual job training and safety instruction, while holding employers accountable when they fail to properly protect workers.

Political Action

Now, more than ever, we need to elect leaders who are going to stand up for workers and make sure our voices are heard in local, state and federal government. IUPAT holds our elected leaders accountable, working with candidates and elected leaders to protect our rights and values.


The number of tradeswomen in the industry has tripled since 2012 and DC 82 is doing its part to promote gender equity and equality throughout our council. With careers in the trades in high demand, it’s crucial that we hire more women so we can help eliminate the pay gap and elevate our industry.

The Women In Action Committee volunteers to help communities recover from tragedies, paint murals in public spaces, and so much more. It fosters a sense of camaraderie among women in the trades and community organizations, and increases awareness of the women who help build up our cities.

Join the Women in Action Committee 

Ready to take action?

Sign up today!



What is TPS?

Temporary Protected Status allows nationals of another country to temporarily remain in the United States if during the time they were in the U.S., a natural disaster, epidemic, war or other extraordinary temporary circumstance occurred in their country preventing them from safely returning home.

TPS holders are protected from deportation and receive work authorization to support themselves while they remain in the United States. TPS does not provide a path to citizenship.

Why is TPS in the news?

The Department of Homeland Security must decide to extend or terminate each country’s TPS 60 days prior to its expiration date. Honduras and Nicaragua were expiring in January 2018. DHS announced Nov. 6 that TPS for Honduras is extended until July 5, 2018 and TPS for Nicaragua will terminate on Jan. 5, 2019.

Who will be affected by these decisions?

These decisions affect our sisters and brothers who are leaders in their communities, hard workers in their professions, and loving members of their families. Many TPS holders, particularly those from Central America, have lived, worked, and been part of our communities for nearly two decades.

Why should I care about TPS?

TPS embodies core tenets of the IUPAT social teaching on immigration. People have the right to migrate to sustain their lives and the lives of their families and a country must regulate its borders with justice and mercy.

If you care about how our immigrants are treated, please call your representative and tell them. Visit to find your legislator and speak up.


American infrastructure is crumbling. The IUPAT is dedicated to modernizing and repairing our roads, bridges, buildings, airports, water systems and the energy grid, all while providing good, high-paying union jobs to get the job done. We provide cutting edge skills and training to ensure our projects meet 21st century standards and beyond.

Learn more about how the IUPAT is battling America’s crumbling infrastructure here.


Wage theft is a crime that occurs any time an employer does not pay an employee the entirety of what the employee is owed by law. This common event threatens to destroy Minnesota’s economy and the standard of living we’ve worked to establish.

As a IUPAT 82 member, we have your back if you are ever a victim of wage theft. If you are on a jobsite with someone who may be experiencing wage theft, have them call us immediately. Whether they’re a union member or not, we stand in solidarity with all workers and WILL help them.

Sign up for more information

Wage theft occurs if you:

  • are misclassified as an “independent contractor” – this is the most common occurrence of wage theft on local job sites.
  • are denied paid overtime
  • are asked to work off-the-clock
  • are denied your final check if or when you leave the company
  • have money taken from your paycheck without authorization
  • are not paid prevailing wage on a prevailing wage job

Do you know a victim of wage theft?

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To find out more about the Minnesota Wage Theft Prevention Act please contact Tony McGarvey.

If ANY of these things happen to you or someone on your jobsite, it is very important that you tell someone. If we allow wage theft to fly under the radar, everyone is hurt.

Some contractors will intentionally hire someone they can underpay for more profit. You and every working person deserves to be treated fairly. Together we can MAKE unscrupulous contractors do the right thing.

Contact Tony McGarvey for more information 

612.889.9318 or [email protected]